Movies directed by gary-leva

One Soldier's Story: The Journey of American Sniper

R2-D2: Beneath the Dome

Lost Kubrick: The Unfinished Films of Stanley Kubrick

Film Noir: Bringing Darkness to Light

1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year

The Visions of Stanley Kubrick

Great Bolshy Yarblockos!: Making 'A Clockwork Orange'

The Characters of Star Wars

A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope

An Old Fashioned Love Story: Making 'The Bridges of Madison County'

Ben-Hur: The Epic That Changed Cinema

View from the Overlook: Crafting 'The Shining'

Full Metal Jacket: Between Good and Evil
Artifact from the Future: The Making of 'THX 1138'

The Master's Touch: Hitchcock's Signature Style

Standing on the Shoulders of Kubrick: The Legacy of 2001

The Maltese Falcon: One Magnificent Bird

Inside 'Octopussy'